Friday, January 12, 2007

Two luge or not two.

I have to thank one of my favorite homosexuals(just kidding), John Aaron, for sharing this amazing video with me. However, I must vehemently dispute its claim that it is showcasing "The Most Gayest Sport On Earth". That claim has to go to the two-man luge. Sure, male aerobic dancing is more overtly homosexual. I won't dispute that. Yet the thing you have to understand about the two-man luge is that it is EXACTLY THE SAME as the luge, except for the fact that guy number two comes over and lays on top of guy number one. In other words, the defining characteristic of the TML is two men laying on one another. This would be like if we created a new sport, two-man racing, except the only thing different was that the second man sat on the driver's lap. That would be extremely gay.

If ever there was a sport that we were 99% sure was invented by a homosexual, it is the TML. In fact, though I was unable to verify this, I suspect that the sport was born after a gay luge athlete made the off-hand comment to his parther that, "the only thing more exciting than sex is the luge," and then a lightbulb went off in his head.

These paintings made me sad that I am not an artist. They are good.

"Ok, class, make a goofy face!"

Those of you who are fans of the british version of The Office (I guess that means you, Philip and Matt) might be interested in this interview with its creator, Ricky Gervais.


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